
The risk of disturbing a balance-Non-specific DNA attack

Although the result is good and probablely the result can tell me many things. Still several questions are unresolved. Firstly, even without antibiotic transformants can be detected. Secondly, cat gene can also be transformed in the similar way.

I observed another important phenomenon that transformants prefer grow near low antibiotic concentration region to the high region. This might be not surprise since all of us prefer some cozy places and bacteria as well. However, rec-2 mutant transformants does not like low antibiotic regions. Instead, most transformants appear at middle concentration and even a little high concentration place. What does it tell us? For application, it means that if we design a drug targeting on Rec-2/ComEC protein we will activate another transformation pathway and make things worse. I believe this type of transformation did not confine to plasmid. But indeed, it is hard to prove that this type of transformation also occur in genome. Because if it is true, then the type of recombination should not be homologous transformation. Since non-specific DNA has no homologous regions for recombination. Also, the host cell will employ diverse ways to protect the attack of exogenous DNA. Otherwise, this species will be 'eaten' by another species whoes DNA is highly infectious. Nontheless, non-specific DNA still have special skills to penetrate barriers because we can see their trace through genome comparison.

I have another interesting phenomenon as well. But I have to time to write because I have to do my experiments now.
