
Pense plus et fait moin

To assay hofQ mutant from another lab, I used hofQ OUT and hofQ IN primers. Using hofQ OUT primers, no obvious difference can be found in hofQ mutant and WT because PCR product from the mutant is less than 200 bp smaller than that from the wild type. This is comprehensible. However, the appearance of stripe which is the same as that of wild type when using primer IN demonstrated that hofQ still exist in the genome. Strangely, I also PCR amplified out the corresponding stripe which indicating the existance of cat gene. This might imply that there are not only one hofQ gene in the genome and the lab who donates me the mutant might not completely eliminate all hofQ genes in genome. Nevertheless, I will reconstruct hofQ mutant after I finish my experiments in hand.

P1 transduction est OK. Il toujour comme ca. Quand le theorie est tres complex, la experimentation est tres simple. Au contraire, quand le experimentation est tres complex, on dois réfléchir. Parce que la nature aime bien simple en action. J'ai une l'autre idée qui peut simplier la experimentation mais peut me montre la chose tres importante. Je la pense ce soir. Si il marche bien, je vais ravir. Il faut qu'on recherche comme la nature. On pense plus et fait moin.
