
Similar phenomenon in dprA mutant

For days, I tried to transform MG1655 with my previous natural transformation protocol. It did not work very well at that time. I constructed MG1655::dprA mutant and tested it with my modified transformation protocol. It seems work. Similar phenomenon in ycaI and its wild type counterpart was observed. No transformants can be observed in the wild type MG1655 after 12 h of replicate the lawn from LA to LA containing spectinomycin. However, transformants can be observed in the MG1655::dprA mutant sample. This is in consistant with the phenomenon which I observed in YcaI mutant. I have to wait until tomorrow to see the layout of the wildtype and compare it with the dprA mutant. Also, I observed the same phenomenon that cells pretreated by antibiotic appear earlier and grow quicker. The transformation induction effect of antibiotics also exist in MG1655 and MG1655::dprA.

Although the data seem good, I was troubled by some personal affairs. The fund for my phD study is available for only one year. When I tried to apply the fund for another year, so few programs about this field are available for my current identity (neither the beginner nor the postponer) while many programs supporting cancer research can be found. Without financial support, my research for the next year will get slow again. Currently, I need to spend some time to try to find an appropriate program to continue my study.
