
The picture getting clearer

The effect of rec-2 homologue on transformation can not be observed directly because some other factors influenced the results. Often, we try to get the final result, we test all kinds of conditions and factors, but we forget another parameter--the time. In my opinion, gene regulation should not be statical during cell life. On the contrary, it should be variable with the growth. When I counting my transformants, I was always bothered by transformants which occur after I had already counted. I have never thought of the effect of time on transformation until recently. I compared transformants at different time incubation on plates and found that the response to incubation time is so different between rec-2 homologue mutant and the wild type. Especially between 24 h to 36 h incubation on selective plates. Wild type cells that without stimulation by the first round of low concentration of antibiotics behaves weak in the first 12 h but very strong at the last 12 h. 24 h after incubation on plates, ycaI mutant stoped producing transformants, but wild type cell produced a lot of transformants. This strongly suggested that ycaI gene faciliated transformation after 24 h of incubation on plates. Although there are many other important conclusions can be drawn from my recent results, this should be the most important one. Before making any conclusions, I have to repeat all my experiments with more controls to eliminate other possibilities.
