
All fall into black again

I discussed with my mentors about my recent results. They should be right. All my recent results tell me only a negative result -- there is not any relation between the transformation and ycaI and dprA mutation.

Firstly, the effect of ampicillin should be just a result of lottery. If I continue increase the repeats of my experiments, the SD will become larger and larger and the difference between the mutants and their parents will become smaller and smaller. That is, actually neither increase nor decrease when I mutate the two genes.

Secondly, the reason for why cells pretreated with antibiotics produce transformants quicker should be a reason of metabolic reason. Because antibiotics kill non-transformants and make transformants grow better. All the results has little relation to transformation mechanism. And I was cheated by the superficial phenomenon.

Nonetheless, these results absolutely demonstrated that ycaI and dprA are not necessary to this type of transformation. We still know nothing about the mechanism of natural transformation in E. coli.

This is a bad result. But I have to face to the fact.
