
new mutant construction

Our institution has received a K-12 mutant library recently and I have assayed gspD mutant. It is OK. But I still will transfer this mutant to my strain to ensure the result with my new method, which is quicker than using P1 and even safer for getting mutant than using P1. I do not like using P1 transduction since I made no success at all with this method. So with this mutant library, I should be able to select more candidates even if gspD does not work this time again. I am trying to repeat Finkel's experiment about using DNA as a nutrient to see whether hofQ actually work in 'eating DNA' in my strain. My recent data support DNA can be used as a nutrient in ZK126. But my strain did not grow in the minimum culture even supplemented with glucose. This might be resulted of lacking of some amino acides. After adding these amino acides, I will see whether hofQ is really necessary for eating DNA.
