
hofQ and gspD are not involved in

My result about gspD mutation has been out. I compared the gspD mutant, hofQ mutant and gspD-hofQ double mutant with the wild type. All can be transformed. I also tested hofQ mutant with Finkel's protocol and the result shows that it is true that hofQ mutant can not use DNA as a nutrient and the wild type can. Then how does DNA enter into cell in my protocol? People here questioned whether the transformation is a genetic event or not. But it is really controlled by rpoS. Another question is why cells do not use hofQ channel to transform but choose another way? It is still quite possible that we do not know the exactly transformation pathway which is under the control of rpoS although the possibility of indirect/mutual effect of rpoS on transformtaion can not be excluded. The main problem is where should I address in the next step since no candidates is available. I am lost again.

1 条评论:

Rosie Redfield 说...


I just wanted to let you know that I've been following your blog since you posted a comment on mine.

It's also nice to see someone else contributing to Open Research. Very few people are confident enough to take the chance of telling others about their experiments and ideas.

I can see that we're interested in some of the same questions (especially how E. coli can be transformed), but are approaching them from different directions. I hope that our work can continue to be complementary without wasteful competition.